Silent, Offline Installation for SSDT 15.5 for Visual Studio 2017

The 15.5 release of SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2017 is the first release to support SSRS, SSAS, and SSIS in VS 2017. The command line below shows how to install all SSDT components in the only installation of VS 2017 on a machine:

SSDT-Setup-enu.exe /install INSTALLALL /quiet /norestart

To work offline, you’ll need to create a layout folder first (just like in previous versions). Use the /layout parameter and specify the folder path where you want the components to be downloaded:

SSDT-Setup-enu.exe /layout .\offline

The command above would download the components in a folder called offline. The folder will be created if it doesn’t already exist, and the SSDT-Setup-enu executable will be copied into that folder as well.

15 thoughts on “Silent, Offline Installation for SSDT 15.5 for Visual Studio 2017

  1. This doesn’t work if you don’t have Visual Studio 2017 installed. Previously in 2015 and below, it automatically installed Visual Studio shell. In 2017, I am not able to do this. Only by using the install GUI can I get the Visual Studio shell installed.

      1. I have exactly the same problem as Joel is mentioning. I gave up since the program needs to be installed on only 4 pc’s. Spend like 8 hours already trying to get this working.

  2. Hi Sven,
    Thank you for this. I still have a question. With version 15.2.2 I have extracted (/layout) all setup files to make an offline installer.
    The ssdt-setup-enu.exe was not in the folder so I placed it there.
    For installation I used the command “SSDT-Setup-enu.exe /install INSTALLVSSQL /quiet /norestart /log “c:\temp\SSDT_setup.log””
    Setup is working fine but all required packages are downloaded from the internet for each client. All files are in the same folder but still it’s downloading.
    Do you know what I’m doing wrong?

      1. I have no idea what went wrong. I Will repost fitst thing tomorrow morning when I arrive at the office. Hope you can still help me out.

      2. Ok so by posting this comment my original question was visible again… very strange.. here it is:

        Hi Sven,
        Thank you for this. I still have a question. With version 15.2.2 I have extracted (/layout) all setup files to make an offline installer.
        The ssdt-setup-enu.exe was not in the folder so I placed it there.
        For installation I used the command “SSDT-Setup-enu.exe /install INSTALLVSSQL /quiet /norestart /log “c:\temp\SSDT_setup.log””
        Setup is working fine but all required packages are downloaded from the internet for each client. All files are in the same folder but still it’s downloading.
        Do you know what I’m doing wrong?

      3. Quintijn:
        I do remember seeing that question… Not sure what happened.
        Anyway, the /layout option should place the correct EXE in the selected folder. That’s actually one of the first things it does.
        Perhaps copying the original EXE there may just not have been sufficient.
        Also, your version number is “15.2.2”? Maybe you meant 15.5.2? By now, 15.6.0 is available. I would suggest you retry it.

  3. Hi,
    Thank you for that. Downloaded the newer version and was able to unpack the correct offline installer. Package now begins installing but fails with error 1603.

    This is the install string we use.
    “SSDT-Setup-enu.exe /install INSTALLALL /quiet /norestart /log c:\temp\install_SSDT.txt”

    Checking the setuplog shows me a few possible causes

    PromptToUninstallOldExtensionText = Seems you have installed a previous version of SSAS or SSRS extension that is incompatible with the version to be installed, you may need to uninstall both of them before continuing the setup, or current installation may fail. Do you want to continue anyway?

    RestartAlreadyPending = A pending restart is blocking setup from completing. Please restart the computer and run setup again.

    SetNicknameText = Set a nickname for the new Visual Studio 2017 instance:
    SetupBlockedDescriptionText = Something has blocked setup from continuing.
    SetupBlockedText = Setup Blocked
    SetupCanceledDescriptionText = The setup operation has been canceled.
    SetupCanceledText = Setup Canceled
    SetupCompletedText = Setup Completed
    SetupFailedDescriptionText = A failure occured during installation.
    SetupFailedText = Setup Failed

    Can you help me out?

  4. SSDT-Setup-enu.exe /install INSTALLALL /quiet /norestart is not working , infact its just creating ARP entry but did not create anything under program files

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